To cater higher education with the existing needs of Industrial exploitation and awareness of natural resources and their preservation which is essential to the mankind of Gadag and nearly places and for future generations, the management of Kanakadas Shikshan Samiti’s introduced science faculty for higher education with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics, Botany and Zoology subjects in 1991, when optional subjects have been introduced by K.U.D.

Thus department of zoology was started in 1991. Prof. S. B. Hiremath was appointed as a Head of the Department of Zoology. Then Prof. I. K. Pattanashetty has been appointed as Lecturer       in 1993. On 17th September 2009, our Science faculty has admitted to grant in aid.

To train the students well at under graduate level, our management provided necessary facilities such as good water supply and electrification, good equipments, glassware’s and quality chemicals and stains, adequate preserved specimens and charts to the laboratory.

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FACULTY Profile:

Prof.  Ishwarappa. K. Pattanashetty.
ASSITANT PROFFESSOR Prof. Ishwarappa. K. Pattanashetty.