General Rules of the College
- A certain number of classes or practical work may be held before and after the prescribed college working hours whenever necessary.
- Students desiring to have the character certificate, passing certificate etc., should apply atleast 3 days in advance along with the prescribed fees.
- All the payments such as scholarship, refund of caution money, library deposit will be made through cheques “only on the production of Identity Card and concerned receipts.
- Students will have to forfeit caution money to the college in the following circumstances.
- Students fails to claim within 6 months from the term last attended.
- If a student discontinues the course without paying the Tuition fees and other fees.
- Student desiring not to continue in the II term of the academic year should inform the college authorities in the first term only. Students failing to do so are liable to pay the II term fees also.
Rules of Discipline
- Students should be regular, punctual and attend all the periods according to the time table and the special classes arranged by the concerned lecturers In Uniform.
- Students must not attend any other class except of their own.
- Students must show due respect to the members of teaching and non-teaching staff. Any mis-behaviour will invite proper disciplinary action.
- Students are forbidden to write or make any marks on the walls, desks or furniture.
- Students are not allowed to loiter in the verandahs and corridors of the college.
- No person shall be invited to address a college meeting or Association without the permission of the Principal.
- Students of the college are not allowed to play in any out side team without prior permission of the Principal.
- No tour & excursion, Picnic or pleasure trips are to be arranged without the permission of the Principal.
- Students should maintain perfect silence in the class rooms and discipline at .the college functions.
- Use of filthy language in the campus will be viewed seriously.
- The Students violating rules of discipline are liable to pay heavy fine and shall lose concessions or may even cause themselves for the expulsion from the college.
- The decision of the Principal is final in all these matters.
- Every Student should carry college Identity Card in the College Premises.
- Uniform is compulsory for every student.
- Use of mobile on the college campus is strictly prohibited.