1. The University shall conduct an examination after the completetion of every semester.

    2. The composition of theory / practical and (I.A) for each paper shall be 80% and 20% of marks, respectively.


  1. Each paper of 100 marks shall carry 20 marks (I.A.) Out of 20 marks, 10 shall be for semester tests and remaining 10 shall be for assignment/class records/skill developments.

    2. In each paper two tests shall be conducted for the award of (I.A.) marks and each of one hour duration for a maximum of 20 marks reduced to 10 later. First test shall be conducted in 8th week and second test in 12th week of the respective semester. The average marks attained in the 2 tests of 10 marks shall be taken as final (I.A.) marks for the test component.

    3. The award of (I.A) marks for assignment/records/skill development shall be based on the submission of the same by the candidates duly certified by the concerned teacher.

    4. The internal assessment (I.A.) marks awarded to students shall be displayed on the notice board of the college within 2 weeks from the date of conduct of the test. The Principal shall display the particulars of (I.A) marks awarded to each student, one week prior to the commencement of the semester and examination.

    5. The Principal shall preserve the (I.A) records of all the students and their answer scripts till the declaration of the semester examination results

    6. A consolidated (I.A) marks list in all the papers of particular semester duly signed by HOD/Staff incharge and Principal shall be submitted to the University examination section by the colleges, prior to the date of commen- cement of the semester examination. The Principal shall maintain a master register of (I.A.) marks of all the students in the papers. This master register shall be kept open for inspection by the University authorities, at any time..

    7. There shall be no provision for improvement of (I.A.) marks.


Eligibility To Take University Examination

A student must fulfill the following conditions to get his/her eligibility to appear for the University Examination.

  1. He/She must have attended atleast 75% of the classes conducted in both the terms.

    2. He/She must have passed in the college examinations/ Tests.

    3. He/She must have cleared the fees, returned the library books and sports equipments etc.

    4. Students found disqualify of mis-conduct will not be allowed to appear the examination.