The Department of studies in English Language and Literature is established in the year 1984. The course in Basic and Additional English is introduced in the same year. The course in Optional English is started in 1990. Prof. D. B. Gavani was appointed a full-time Lecturer in the year 1988. He was equally assisted by Prof. S. Y. Karatagi who expired on 19-09-2006. Now Prof. Sateesh. B. Alagundgi and Prof. Smt. A. K. Kuri are on the faculty. During these formative years the department had taken a profound interest in bringing out brilliant students with effective and meaningful teaching.

The syllabi for all the courses are designed by the Board of Studies in English, Karnataka University, Dharwad and are prescribed once in three years. From this present academic year New Syllabus has been introduced for all the courses. Dr. D. B. Gavani was entrusted with the designing of syllabus for few classes by B. O. S. of the University and the same was accepted and prescribed by them. The Department has maintained high-standards in teaching and learning process and made an impressive programme as it can be noticed by the performance of the students in the annual examination. The analysis of the student performance in annual examination for the last three years is very satisfactory.

The faculty has interested in upgrading the knowledge of students as well as of themselves. The participation in seminars, workshops, presentation of paper is undertaken regularly by the members of faculty as well as students. Dr. D. B. Gavani has been invited by various institutions as Resource person, Rapporteur, presiding over technical sessions in conferences and Master Facilitator of TQM and HRD. The Department was meticulously assessed by the first Peer Committee of NAAC and mentioned in the Report that the Department is known for its excellence in teaching-learning, Research, extension activities and innovative practices in carrying out its tasks with grandeur and reputation. Dr. Gavani’s contribution to the enhancement of qualitative principles in higher education was also noted in the NAAC report. Thus, the faculty strives continuously to sustain and maintain the past glory and standard in the entire criterion. Dr. D. B. Gavani has guided more than 25 M. Phil candidates of various universities. He has brought out a book entitled “Literary Criticism and Theory” which is reference book at Karnataka University, Dharwad and in other universities in India. The faculty members are engaged in research work in the field of Language and Literature.


The Post Graduate Department of Studies in English is a brain child of our beloved President Prof. B. F. Dandin who is a mentor and pioneer of English studies in Gadag district with his far fetched vision of imparting quality education to the most deprived sections of the society even by reaching it to the subalterns. His visions and designated deeds are always directed towards the prosperity and improvement in the work culture as he wills and marks it out. He was equally supported by Dr. D. B. Gavani, Co – Ordinator, Post Graduate Studies in English who has a mastermind to carry out the entrusted tasks with great enthusiasm and dedication. Thus, the Post Graduate Department was established ceremoniously on 08 – 07 – 2007.

That the Post Graduate Department of Studies in English began with 13 students on its roll for the first batch. I feel proud to provide the list of students as they are the maiden gems of our college who have successfully completed their Post Graduation with First Class and Higher Second Class with the performance of 100%. They have started their teaching career in various colleges as a Guest Faculty. I am happy to state that all of them have been serving in Government First Grade Colleges. It is great privilege to have a brilliant students on the roll and to impart them higher education on par with International standards in the fields of Indian English Literature, American Studies in Literature, New Literary Theories, Translation Studies, Gender Studies, British Literature with Recent Trends, Australian Literature and Indian Classics in Translation and so on. The conglomeration of various issues, movements and trends are discussed for the expansion of new horizon of knowledge across the frontiers of the world.

The care is also taken in to cater the needs of the students in imbibing the Received Pronunciation to communicate effectively and meaningfully by making use of KISS technique i.e., keep it short and smart. Hence the language lab is utilized optimum to practice regularly. All the necessary infrastructure and facilities are provided to all the stakeholders in post graduate Department. Teaching Learning and Research activities are attained with greater emphasis on the process on preparing or shaping of a personality into a dedicated teacher in particular and true humane persons in general. The faculty of the Department strives hard with sincere endeavours to promote and sustain excellence in enthralling moorings and bearings of standard education. The Department has its own legacy and tradition to monitor the dire needs of all the stakeholders.


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FACULTY Profile:

Dr. D. B. Gavani
Associate Professor - Principal Dr. D. B. Gavani
Prof. Sateesh. B. Alagundagi
HOD - Lecturer Prof. Sateesh. B. Alagundagi
Prof (Smt)  A. K. Kuri
Lecturer Prof (Smt) A. K. Kuri